Stress Management & the Practice of Law

Total General: .75 Total Professional Responsibility: .75      Mental Health & Substance Abuse: .75
It is well known that the legal profession generally experiences higher levels of stress than other professions.  A lawyer who is under a lot of stress is more likely to make mistakes and commit malpractice or ethical infractions.  Moreover, stress in a lawyer's professional life can have adverse effects on the lawyer's personal life, notably your physical, behavioral or psychological well-being may be impaired.  This is why stress management is so important.

In this module, you will:
  • Learn about the causes of stress in relation to the practice of law;
  • Apply various stress management techniques to your own life; and
  • Reflect on your own stressors and how to manage issues when they arrive.


ARDC On-Demand CLE Programs



Well-Being Template for Legal Employers (Theresa Gronkiewicz, ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs)

Informational Websites

Content Contributor:  Christine Anderson, Intake Group Manager and Director of  Probation and Lawyer Referral Services, ARDC
Video Presenter: Dr. Diana Uchiyama, JD, PsyD, CAADC, Executive Director, Lawyers' Assistance Program

Important MCLE Notice: This Program was originally released as a PMBR (2022-2023) module. If you have previously viewed this Program as a PMBR (2022-2023) module and received a Certificate of Completion, you may only claim MCLE credit once for this Program within a 12-month period. The ARDC reports individual attorney attendance to the MCLE Board by the 5th of the month subsequent to the date of completion of the MCLE program (for example, September events will be reported by October 5).