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Practice Management Software Alternatives

Total General: .50 Total Professional Responsibility: .50
Practice Management Systems are useful and streamline the everyday tasks that can quickly bog down or even overwhelm your daily practice. But while they can provide a full suite of services, there could be many reasons why you choose not to use a full fledged practice management suite. For some boutique firms, you may have very specific needs or requirements that may make some of these platforms an awkward fit. For many smaller firms and solo practitioners, these platforms may require you to pay for services and infrastructure that you may not need or may not need yet.

In this program, you will:
  • Learn the core functions of practice management software, along with some common alternatives that can accomplish the same tasks; and
  • Reflect on your firm's use of technology and determine what software is appropriate for your practice your time and billing practices and how they can be improved.
Important MCLE Notice: This Program was originally released as a PMBR (2020-2021) module. If you have previously viewed this Program as a PMBR (2020-2021) module and received a Certificate of Completion, you may only claim MCLE credit once for this Program within a 12-month period. The ARDC reports individual attorney attendance to the MCLE Board by the 5th of the month subsequent to the date of completion of the MCLE program (for example, September events will be reported by October 5).
Narrator, Video Presenter, and Content Provider: Mike Ko, Groundwork Trial Consulting
PMS Articles
PMS Alternatives Articles